Sunday, January 9, 2011

Clean Eating Coffee Creamer...

So one thing I love is Coffee Mate Creamer...well that isn't part of the Eat Clean Diet (regular sugar is a no-no) so today I just used Almond Breeze Vanilla milk and as it did take away the bitterness of the coffee it just wasn't my coffee in looking for a clean version of creamer I have to thank Tiffany over at The Gracious Pantry for her wonderful version of coffee creamer.

Clean Eating Coffee Creamer

makes 5 generous (1/4 cup servings)

1 1/4 cup soy milk (or almond milk, or even milk I am guessing)
3 tsp of pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of extract of your choice (see note)
2 tbsp of honey (I may do this a little less next time)
1/2 tsp of xanthan gum (I actually left this out, it's to thicken it)

Flavor options:  extra vanilla extract, almond extract, orange extract or any other extract as long as it's clean.


1) in a blender mix all ingredients until well blended.

2) Pour in a container of choice (I found my italian dressing bottle fit it perfect, yes it was cleaned REALLY well) and keep it in the fridge.

VERDICT: well I dumped the container of coffee mate down the drain...This was really good.  I used almond milk and all vanilla extract and it taste like the sweet cream creamer I had in the fridge...oh and a major plus, it's lower in calories than the stuff you buy in the store.  The stuff I had was like 50 calories per 1 tbsp (and let's face it if you want creamer usually you don't use just 1 tbsp) and this is like 50 calories for 1/4 cup...thank you Tiffany


  1. Most of this book's recommendations are familiar to me now that I've been reading and experimenting with healthy cookbooks for a while. It's a bit more stringent on the no-fat requirement than I'm used to, but it's all about good carbs, good fats, and combining carbs with lean protein to keep us feeling full. Where Agatston's South Beach Diet recommends three meals with careful snacking between, Ms. Reno replaces that with five or six small meals spaced throughout the day.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! I am trying to clean up my act as well but not sure even as wonderful as my finance is he will go to clean eating. He is a huge greasy burger and fries kinda guy. I will give him credit as long as I feed him that now and then he pretty much lets me cook anything I want. I would be thrilled if he likes this creamer instead. Thanks again from Tina@Touch of Modern Hospitality!

  3. Any suggestions to doing a pumpkin spice creamer????

    1. Pumpkin extract on the extract of your choice

    2. I add pumpkin pie spice when making this for my sister. I make pumpkin and also amaretto since they are seasonal, that way she can enjoy them year round.

  4. The sugar aside, coffee mate is made with palm oil, which is really bad for you AND contributes to habitat destruction for many animals globally.

    1. Coffee Mate creamer at least the liquid form has many other things in it that are not good for you. For starters partially hydrogenated oil is really not healthy. I know because I just read the label today, I will not list them because I am sure I would not get the spelling correct. Sugar in any form is bad, but real sugar used in moderation is better for you than any other form especially high fructose corn syrup. I have done a lot of research on the effect of all these sweeteners on the human body and the rate of American becoming diabetics is very alarming, not to mention all the other diseases we are facing because of poor diet.
      This is not in anyway meant to attack you just wanted you to be aware there are some bad stuff in Coffee mate.

  5. 5 Servings? For 5 cups of coffee? Seems like a pretty big serving....

  6. What about using coconut milk - 100% coconut milk, not the processed 'milk' you find in the milk section. Plus, I wouldn't consider soy milk 'clean' as it is probably genetically modified and soy can be hard on your body.

    1. I just made it with canned coconut milk, vanilla and honey and it tastes incredible! I added a little tiny splash of organic whole milk also just to keep it from separating and getting weird in the fridge. It's very good!

    2. Almond milk would be a good substitute for milk or heavy cream. Also lower in calories. Almond milk actually tastes really good.

    3. Most soy milk is non gmo, not all, but it's easy to find even at Walmart :)

  7. Where do you find xanthium gum?

  8. I'm sorry but this tastes nothing like Coffeemate.

    1. Does that mean it is better or worse?

    2. I agree! Nothing at all like coffee mate or delight. Obviously worse

  9. Omg DO NOT add this much thickener. You will end up with a yogurt like mess.

  10. Not to bad. I used unsweetened 1.25 cups almond milk, 1tbsp honey, apple spice, 3tsp van. Not too bad. I need to change my taste buds to not like all the sugary stuff

    1. Oh my gosh! I like a little coffee with my creamer, so I also need to adjust my taste buds and this recipe. It was not sweet enough for me so I'm going to have to work on it! Any suggestions?

    2. Stevia is a good sweetener

  11. Just made this and it had no taste at all. Had to add almost half of the mixture to taste it..

  12. Soy is not clean eating. It is horrible for you.

    1. especially for women!

    2. Actually most studies have shown that soy is wonderful for women. It can help prevent remission in breastfeeding cancer and tends to help lower saturated fat intake. Don't take this personally, but I get so sick of seeing people say soy is bad just because they've heard that. I've seen only 1 or 2 studies that indicate that soy is "bad for women".

    3. Breast cancer, sorry. Autocorrect.

  13. I can't wait to share this with my friend who is all about eating clean, wild fish, free roaming, cage free, etc. EXCEPT when it comes to her Coffee Mate. She's seriously an addict.

  14. In other creamer recipes I have tried I can distinctly taste the alcohol used to make the vanilla extract...any ideas for a replacement? Would warming this for awhile take care of that?

  15. So... how long does this last in the fridge?

  16. I have been looking for a healthy coffee creamer that still has good taste to it for a while now. I had all but given up, but after reading this blog I have hope again. I think it could be wonderful to enjoy my morning coffee again.
    Cynthia | |!healthy-coffee-creamer/c12ui!healthy-coffee-creamer/c12ui

  17. Well, my husband hated this. It really isn't as sweet as the post makes it seem and it does separate in the fridge. But, I'm going to try the canned coconut milk with splash of organic milk that one of the posters above mentioned.

  18. Any suggestions for making a chocolate creamer? I am addicted to the ID Hershey Chocolate and Caramel one that is 70 calories per tbsp!

    1. coconut milk, honey, a little sea salt, and cocoa powder. Heat it to fully combine the ingredients and store in the fridge.

  19. I also would like to find an alternate for the ID Hershey Chocolate Caramel. None of the others do it for me - I love the chocolate:)

  20. There is chocolate and caramel extract too!

  21. I made this it was disgusting! I am going to making it one more time but this time with alcohol free vanilla extract. Hopefully that makes it better!

  22. i am wanting to try this recipe so thank you for sharing! i plan on using almond unsweetened okay for this?

  23. I love this recipe. Can I use raw honey in it instead?

  24. Replies
    1. Almond milk. Soy has a weird taste to me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Can I substitute Stevia for the honey? Honey is not an option for me. Thanks

  26. Know one has answered the question on how long this will last. Any I for on that would be appreciated.
