So I get a wonderful weekly delivery of fresh organic produce from Abundant Harvest and lately there has been crinkle spinach in it (I didn't know there was more than just regular spinach out there) and I haven't known what to do with it (it's quite a bit thicker and bigger than normal spinach and my family doesn't like sauteed spinach either. So after asking around what to do with it a few people said make a green smoothie. I was skeptical but I am usually the kind of person who will try anything at least once. So what did I do this am...I made a green smoothie and it is DELISH!!!
So here is what I put in my 1st green smoothie
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup Trader Joe's 0% Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup unsweetened frozen fruit
2 cups fresh spinach leaves (I removed the stems)
a little bit of vanilla liquid stevia
Let me tell can't taste spinach and in this wonderfully filling breakfast and has 3 of your 5 daily servings of fruits & veggies. Even my kids liked it (I had them taste it before I told them what was in it). From what I have read on line it's really good for your body and skin also...
So this almost 2 cup smoothie is only 3 Weight Watcher's Momentum Points. Next time I think I will add in some ground flax seed. I am excited to try different combos.
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What is the 1st words out of my kids mouths after school..."Hey Mom What's For Dinner"? Here is what's cooking in my kitchen and we are doing it healthy for 2012 and beyond!
About Me

- mom2my3angels
- Have you ever looked at what is in foods these days? Have you ever wondered why life has gotten so crazy that we all rely on processed "quick" foods and fast foods? Well I have had my eyes opened recently when we started to realize our oldest child could be ADD. I decided to clean up our diets and turn out lives around. I am a woman, married to a wonderful man who supports everything I do. We have 3 wonderful children who keep us on our toes and every day when I pick them up from school the first things out of their mouths is "mommy what's for dinner" so here it is...
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